
Friday, June 4, 2010

I Sure do Love Me Some Summertime!

What are my Summer plans you ask? Not really sure yet. But here's the short list of what may come my way as I live my happy life through the long hot (*fingers and toes crossed*) days and nights of Summer 2010.

  • A Summer Like Those Enjoyed By My High School Peeps. All laze, all of the time. A reality long passed. Le sigh.

  • Summer Lovin', Pre-Occupied by Fall. If I ultimately decide to return to PDA in the Fall, I hope to relax a little and take advantage of the fact that the school is open every day and that my machine and I love to spend time together. Downtown Victoria is beautiful in the Sumertime and with my hubby's new office nearby, arranging for semi-daily transportation with a bonus Starbucks stop en route would be no problem. In fact, it would be pleasurable all around (I'm a great co-pilot as I'm sure you can imagine! Especially in morning traffic!). I could create a bunch of 'template' dresses (my new business idea/plan of attack...I'll tell you all about it once I've had a chance to brainstorm it a bit more) and be ready to hit the ground running with a line that I can focus my school energy on (creating CADS, a retail kit, business plan and eventual fashion show showcase). If I can do the work to get my line ready for sale, with a splashy introduction into the retail market (local and online) and fulfill the PDA year 2 requirements all in one, then I'm in. Oh and I could meet Sean for an evening drink on a downtown nice!

  • Let's Get Outta Dodge! While Victoria in the Summertime is a true thing of beauty, I'm hearing rumblings of a possible business trip to Malaysia for my hubby! Like I mentionned earlier, I'm a great co-pilot so I'm sure he would never contemplate a trip of that distance, with that much fashion inspiration potential without me. Tee hee! This would be awesome and could easily be paired with option 2 above (bringing significantly more interest in said option). I'm sure the merger would yield huge success!

  • An Internship? I know that most chicas in the class are seeking out some kind of internship within the fashion industry. I don't really feel that's the right path for me to follow so I won't be pursuing that option, as far as I know today.

  • Sometimes a Great Tan and a Sweet Little Sun Dress Make Me Feel Invincible! Why wait? Is it time to secure myself a retail space and get to it? Get my store going, get my story going? Ah! This one was presented to me yesterday...An extremely exciting possibility...a tasty opportunity...This needs to be further discussed with all interested parties. Over dins tonight as a matter of fact!

Gotta go for now bellas!

I'll be in touch again soon!

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