
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Can I Say It With Only 5 Pieces?

I've just successfully navigated my way through my first official crisis of confidence. I thank my fellow designers for talking me through it. Melissa talked me off the ledge and helped me refocus and the dynamic duo that is Double N Jenn + Kenna T were so kind as to listen to my ravings throughout the day, that I was positively giddy with excitement and overflowing with design confidence by the time I left the school yesterday. This despite the many ripped stitches and redoes that peppered my afternoon. At least I was sewing with a purpose and clear idea in mind!

It was certainly not what I had expected. The source I mean. I have always maintained that the drawing, the putting of my ideas onto paper, was the most challenging aspect of this program for me, a self described 'non artist' (Of course I mean drawing in all forms: pencil to paper and the even more dreaded pen tool of Adobe Illustrator...*shudder*). Naturally, I assumed that my first real breakdown would somehow stem from the stress and pressure I feel when I have to draw.

In fact, it actually smacked me square in my fashionably draped solar plexus while trying to decide what outfits I will be sending down the runway. It has been such a stressor that I have actually taken to drawing to procrastinate and move my thoughts away from the catwalk (I know right?! Desperate much?).

The strangest thing about it is that I have never wavered in my design style and have had a very clear idea of what my design aesthetic is right from the beginning. I am proud to say that every design I have created, every assignment I have handed in could easily be identified as mine. Why then this sudden change?

As far as I can tell, in hindsight, I was over-thinking it. Imagine: I'm going to get 5 minutes max to showcase what I can do (This short time frame isn't helping...I have sooooo much to say and anyone who knows me knows that I am not a woman of few words. Au contraire!). The required 5 outfits also feels somewhat constraining but I know that this is really in the interest of time (to both keep the show at a reasonable length and to make sure that we all have time to finish our creations). I'm aiming for 7 + 1 (a surprise!). The question is, which 7? Ack!

Here's the criteria Melissa (our teacher/guru/wisewoman/calming presence) suggested to reel me back in: The pieces need to present a cohesive vision of who I am as a designer, with a clear client in mind. A girl needs options, so a good idea for any designer is to present her with some: A few dressy pieces, a couple of more casual pieces (I qualify this with the idea that I don't really do casual and neither does my target Lulu Lemons out on the street unless she's headed to yoga! Sweatpants? Karen doesn't think so!). Also, I should consider that the pieces need to be different enough so as to entice someone to buy each and every morsel (ie: if I am showing coats, I shouldn't send out two that may be interchangeable. They should be different enough (length, coulour, collar) so as to fit different purposes and/or outfits.).

After much thought, with a clear client in mind and a return to my original focus, I now have a pretty good idea of what I want to say and which pieces will say it best. I'm off to get it done!

Ciao Bellas!


  1. Try not to think of the collection as a representation but a snap shot in time. The first collection is much different than the ones that follow as you've had soooooo much time and sooo many ideas leading into the first. it's fashion virginity. In this situation as well there are no restraints on what you're designing unlike the future when a bottom line is involved, as well production etc. In this case have as much fun as possible .... exaggerate, perhaps go beyond the bounds of the truth... you have the opportunity with this capsule collection to really do fashion for the sake of fashion.... take advantage :)

  2. My first comment! Thanks Mr. W!

    "Fashion For The Sake of Fashion" A great name for a student fashion show (or some variation thereof)! I'll be putting it to the jury on Monday!

    Thanks for the words...I guess it's a good thing then that I am having a hard time deciding which of the pieces I've chosen should hit the runway last. The 'big finale' as it were. Each of them could fit the bill. Understated I have never been, so why should I start now?!

    Merci beaucoup!
